New Dirty Cop

Newest Dirty cop






Great News!!!!!!

Prosecutor Smith is going to jail!


Law Enforcement
“Carehouse of Macomb and CPS allow women to sexually abuse their daughters.”

Care House Interview, 2004

Clinton Township and Sterling Heights Police support CPS’s allowance of women to abuse their daughters.

Sexually confused Mom taking a picture of Jessica ‘hanging’ on the swing set. Before considering this ‘normal’ play, like the incompetents at CPS and SHPD, please review “Peculiar Behavior by Jessica” and “Peculiar Behavior by Missy.”

Once again, sexually confused Mom taking a picture of Jessica ‘stimulating her genitals. Before considering this ‘normal’ play, like the incompetents at CPS and SHPD, please review “Peculiar Behavior by Jessica” and “Peculiar Behavior by Missy.”

Before dismissing Pictures as normal behavior., see the over fifty peculiar behaviors by Jessica.

IF these behaviors were isolated, they would be no big deal and could be considered normal. Not in Jessica’s case

Peculiar behavior by Jessica

Peculiar behavior by Jessica