New Dirty Cop

Newest Dirty cop






Great News!!!!!!

Prosecutor Smith is going to jail!


Law Enforcement

In 2015, the dirty sheriff arrested me at my address. She the detailed arrest at xxxx. Once in the jail, I contacted a good friend and had him mail me the addys of all of the major news organizations of metropolitan Detroit. I wrote Channels 2,  4, and 7. I wrote the Detroit News, Christina Hall, and Detroit Free Press. I also wrote the Macomb Daily, WJR, and WWJ. I told them, I was wrongfully arrested and was falsely charged. I explained to them that Sheriff and Prosecutor hate me because I am exposing their failures in Macomb County in protecting girls from sexual abuse and rape.

Sheriff and Prosecutor may or may not have claimed I was/am insane. I doubt the media even cared. I believe the media willingly helps the corrupt Sheriff and Prosecutor. I wrote media as I passed the competency test. I explained to the psychologist that I never threatened the life of anyone. I explained the sexual abuse in my family and in my neighborhood. I told the psychologist that the dirty cops and dirty prosecutors hate me because I know the failures of their agencies in the past, and certainly still today. The psychologist found me rational and balanced. She declared me competent to stand trial. My defense attorney, Leon Weiss, was aghast at this. He was sure I was to be found incompetent. See ‘Leon Weiss’ for a full exposition of Leon’s joining the prosecution team to prosecute, and not defend, me.

Once I passed the competency test, Christina Hall and the media would still not do anything to help me. All Detroit media cooperate with the dirty Prosecutor Smith and Sheriff Wickersham. All Detroit media permit and promote sexual abuse and rape in Macomb County. I have written the Detroit Media, see ‘Detroit Media Email List’ for a full list of media professionals I have repeatedly contacted.








Detroit Media – Lap Dogs of Sheriff and Prosecutor

Detroit Media Email List